วันศุกร์ที่ 30 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

The Shopping for a Mortgage Rate Game

www.greenbackcapital.com - I have been advising borrowers who need residential mortgage financing for over seventeen years. My experience shows that no matter how sharp, intelligent, smart, educated, or ignorant a borrower is - the mortgage rate trap that they all fall into is the same. Unfortunately, by the time a borrower realizes that they have been misinformed, mislead, or just been given only part of the mortgage rate story; their inept, inexperienced, and eventually disinterested loan officer - customer service rep has earned an undeserved commission.readmore..
Carl E. Guzman, CPA, is the president of Greenback Capital Mortgage Corporation, a mortgage banking and brokerage advisory firm licensed by the New York State Banking Department, the New Jersey Department of Banking and Insurance and the Florida Office of Financial Regulation. He can be reached at ceg@greenbackcapital.com and you can visit the Greenback website at http://www.greenbackcapital.com

